All current ASTRO Gaming products designed for Xbox One will offer continuous compatibility on Xbox: Series X.

A50 Mod Kits are only compatible with the New/Gen 3 And when you're done, the new Base Station makes charging and pairing your headset simpler than ever. Here's how you can connect two Quick Disconnect headsets to a single computer We get this question a lot and figured we'd explain what options are available. The A50 headset is lightweight, easily adjustable, and Mod Kit ready, allowing you to transform your headset by swapping components like a synthetic leather headband and ear cushions for improved noise isolation.

The new precision boom microphone is voice chat optimized for next-gen consoles and features flip-up mute functionality. With the ASTRO Command Center software, the A50 allows you to tune every input and output parameter including mic level adjustments and creating your own EQ modes. Broadcasting in interference-free wireless 5 GHz, you'll experience low latency gameplay in Dolby Headphone Surround Sound. We've optimized the new A50 to make it the best fully wireless companion for your next-gen console.